Monday, April 30, 2012

10yr olds are telling me they want to be drunk!

Oh gosh! This is hilarious. Really, those little kids are trying to be so cool and so awesome that they think doing drugs and getting drunk is the normal thing to do.

They're my little sister's friends, they're like, 10. Oh gosh. Maybe they're 11. I don't know. They can't be any older than that. I wonder if they're a bad influence. But wow!! Oh my. They think they want to be drunk! I don't even get drunk, and I'm 20. They're about half my age and want to be drunk!

How do I wrap my head around this? I just can't. It's so funny and so, so sad at the same time. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I am 21 and have the legal okay and still don't want to. One of my aunt's fancy friends was trying to make me drink wine, and I was like, "Oh, no, thank you!" And she got all snotty with me and started laughing and mocking me and I'm like, WOMAN...Idon'tevenknow. *smacks* Everyone really loves being drunk, I guess? And if you don't like being drunk, you're not cool? PEOPLE THESE DAYS!!
